- Sunday School: Each Sunday at 9:30 AM there are classes for all ages where God's Word is taught.
- Jewel House Nursing Home: Every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month we are honored to be a part of Jewel House Assisted Living Home in Madison, IN. Our service begins at 2pm and ends at 3pm. We have old fashioned hymn singing and Bible preaching.
- Wednesday Kids Club: Every Wednesday during the school year, young people gather at our church to learn from God's Word in a this unique program.
- Soul Winning: Each Thursday evening at 6:00 PM members join the pastor for an opportunity to fulfill the great commission.
- Van Ministry: If you need a ride to church, please call the church office 812.273.3798.
- Day Care: We are excited to be able to minister to our church members as well as our community with this ministry. We offer affordable and safe child care to children ages new born to 6th grade. Whether it is for the whole day or just after school, we can help. If you are interested in more information concerning this ministry please contact us at 812.273.9495.